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1857- News paper and Doucments-اٹھارہ سو ستاون-اخبارات و دستاویزات
Author: Attique Siddiqi
یہ کتاب 1857ء کی جنگِ آزادی میں اخباروں اور دستاوزات کے کردار کا مطالعہ کرتی ہے
۔1857ء ہماری سیاسی و ثقافتی اور جہادِ آزادی کی تاریخ میں ایک سنگِ میل کی حیثیت رکھتا ہے۔
اس کتاب کا مقصد یہ ہے کہ 1857ء کے اخباروں اور دستاویزات کی طرف توجہ کی جائے۔
Ali the Superman
Author| Dr Ata Mohyuddin
Author| Imam Muhammad bin Ghazali
Muhammad The Holy prophet
Author| Hafiz Ghulam Sarwar The Prophet of Islam has found his biographers in all ages and in all climes. The
Music by Sufi Inayat khan
Autho | Sufi Inayat Khan
Nizam Al-Mulk Tusi
Rizwan Ali Rizvi
Throughout history Nizam al-Mulk has enjoyed an unrivalled reputation as a statesman, a thinker on public administration and a builder of a great Empire. He offers a complete contrast to Niccolo Machiavelli, who is recognised to have influenced Western politics ever since his Prince was written, and who is not merely amoral, his thought is definitely immoral. He served a great Empire having sufficient resources, both financial and military; there was to be no need for adopting immoral means for achieving its goals. Tusi’s main concern was the consolidation of the Sultanate’s power for the welfare of the people and the strengthening and glorification of Islam.
In this book, the learned author concentrates mainly on the political ideas of Nizam al-Mulk. He has tried to work out the theoretical and practical aspects of government enunciated and enacted by Nizam al-Mulk in the true spirit of Islam.
Quaid e Azam aur Tehreek e Azadi
Author: Prof Jilani Kamran
اس کتاب میں تحریکوں کا محاکمہ تاریخی پس منظر اور فلسفہ تاریخ کے اُصولوں میں کیا گیا ہے۔
مصنف کے مطابق پاکستان ایک مسلسل سیاسی عمل کا نتیجہ ہے اور اسے ’’تقسیمِ ملک‘‘ قرار دینا محض ایک ذہنی الجھائو ہے۔
بابائے قوم کی شخصیت نے قوم کی زندگی پر جو اَنمٹ نقوش چھوڑے ہیں اس کتاب میں ان کا دلآویز تجزیہ ہے۔
Tadhkiyatul Auliya (MEMOIRS OF SAINTS)
Dr. Bankey Behari
This book is an English translation of selections from the Tadhkarah. In this volume will be found sayings of sixty-two saints of the highest order and incidents of their lives, placing before the keen seekers after truth an account of the tense yearning that burnt in the hearts of the great Sufis who, by stating their experiences, taught the sublimest and simplest way to realisation and also how to escape the vagaries that beset the seekers treading the Path.
The Lessons of History
Author : Will & Ariel Durant
The Story Of Philosophy
Author : Will Durant
The Virtues of Dhikr
Shafiq Ahmad Tr. The name of Hazrat Maulana Muhammad Zakariya needs no introduction. His Fada’il books (in Urdu) are the most useful
Thoughts and Reflections of Iqbal
Collected and edited by Syed Abdul Vahid
This is a collection of miscellaneous writings, speeches and press statements of Iqbal. This excellent collection was compiled after a good deal of research carried out in the British Museum, London, Khuda Bakhsh Library, Patna, and University Library, Aligarh. Some of these writings throw new light on the personality of this great genius.
تخلیق پاکستان | Takhliq e Pakistan | Hamza Alvi
Author: Hamza Alvia
Translation : Dr Riaz Ahmad Shaikh