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English To English And Urdu Dictionary
Title: Dictionary
English To English And Urdu Dictionary
TITLE: English To English And Urdu Dictionary
English Translation & Re-Translation
- English Conversation
- Sentences of Everday Use
- Translation of Urdu into English (Paragraphs)
- Stories & Tenses
- Active Voice & Passive Voice
- Direct & Indirect
- Miscellaneous (Uses)
- Use of Different Words
- Applications, Letters & Dialogues
- Some Important Rules
- Forms of Verbs
- Vocabulary
- Miscellaneous
English Vocabulary
- New Syllabus & Policy
- Essential Grammar & Objective (MCQs) Tests
- Synonyms
- Antonyms
- Idioms & Phrases
- Pairs of Words Often Confused
- Some Important Words
- Some Important Verbs
- Some Important Adjectives
- Words Formation
- Verbs From Nouns
- Adjectives From Verbs
F.S Concise Eng -Eng & Urdu Dict
Title: F.s concise dict
F.S Concise Eng -Eng & Urdu Dict
TITLE: F.S Concise Eng -Eng & Urdu Dict\
Farsi Zarab-Ul-Imsaal Aur Kahawatain
Farsi Zarab-Ul-Imsaal Aur Kahawatain
Feroz-Ul-Lughat Farsi Urdu
Feroz ul Lughat
Farsi - Urdu
Spoken English Gift Edition (Hard Binding)
- First Step in Spoken English
- Essentials of Spoken English
- Vocabulary
- Spelling and Pronunciation
- Functional English
- Common Errors in Our English
- Words With Silent Letters
- Sentences of Everday Use
- Miscellaneous Sentences
- Proverbs
- Parts of Speech
- Articles & Tenses
- Active & Passive
- Direct & Indirect Speech
- Usage of Words
- Use of Prepositions
- Etiquettes of Speaking
- Debate & Dialogues
- Interviews
- Telephonic Conversation
Spoken English Low Price Edition (Hard Binding)
Author: Prof Tariq Ali khan