Mankind Encountering Angels in the Poetry of Iqbal
Author: Khurram Ellahi
Language: English
No of Pages: 96
Paper Quality Cream Color Standard Book Paper
Binding Hardback with Dust Cover
Quran highlights how Angels inquired/criticized the existence of Man and Allah answered:
Language is the greatest gift I have given to mankind. Iqbal used this ability to forward the
narrative on the actual goal of humanity; being God’s caliph.
Allah, the creator of Man and Angels, taught mankind language, names, nouns, rhetoric, prose,
and poem to stand against the hardest of the winds of the universe.
In the same manner, Iqbal used language; Iqbal chose poetry to build his thesis, to make Man
again the center of the universe, to make Man again the most-supreme creation of Allah.
This book will leap into the poetry of Iqbal to see how Iqbal puts thesis of Man in front of the
world in comparison to Angels.
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